Monkey Business

It may not come as such a shock after reading my last posts, but we had a guest in morning asana practice.  We're all eyes closed in silent mode and suddenly I hear some gasps - I open my eyes and in the middle of the room is monkey see, monkey do!

Not the sweet black faced monkeys, but one of these fiesty guys:

He literally walked in, then sat on someone's yoga mat, ready to join the class.  It was almost cute, if it wasn't terrifying.  He relunctantly jumped out an open window after being shooed out by Scarlett with a lot of mat banging on the floor, only to try and come back a couple hours later!  Luckily the windows and door were shut this time.
Black faced monkeys (the nice guys) that will eat food right from the palm of your hand:

Tomato, tomato.

Chillin on the street corner.  Teeth are a sign of aggression to them, so just no smiles.

And I finally saw the Ganges.

Of course there was also a cow walking across the bridge checking out the river, you know, totally normal in Rishikesh.


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