Lotus Flower Wanderlust

Alternatively titled "finding my tribe".  I love traveling - except the actual traveling (e.g. getting a lyft to the airport, taking off, landing, taxis to the hotels), but everything else, the mental calm of flying when I have so much time and so little distraction that I'm actually forced to think, the solitude and room service in hotel rooms, and most of all, breaking from the retreat of innate introversion and meeting new people with vastly different life experiences than my own.

So when impending lay-offs were announced at my job, I decided on a whim that I should travel to India.  India is the birthplace of yoga and I have always wanted to get more serious about my practice.  Yoga has always helped tune my body and keep my lower back pain at bay, but more importantly, it forces me to live in the present.  Now that I had the time and some savings, it seems à propos to invest in myself, increase my hustle, and get certified.

After staying up looking up English yoga programs in India, sifting through numerous reviews, and crunching some numbers, I settled on a Level 1, 200 hour teacher training course through Tribe Yoga in Rishikesh.  Looking through photos I felt a certain spiritual energy that would perhaps give me the rejuvenation and perspective that I'm seeking.  So I took a leap of faith and applied.  And then I hesitated.  Like wait, solo journey to the other side of the world to learn some postures and eat some food?  Am I having an Eat, Pray, Love tertiary-life crisis?  Is there even such a thing?  So then I started telling all my friends, and my co-workers, and my family, and gaged their reactions.  Most were positive, all were supportive, and now that the expectation was set, I was not backing out.

The other day I was flipping through magazines and came across a photo of an adorable, curly-haired child that I decided to add to the fabric covered inspiration board in my bedroom.  When I tacked it up, I noticed a beauty article I'd posted nearly a year ago simply titled "India".  So maybe this trip isn't just a whim after all and has been brewing in my subconscious for awhile...whatever the case, it was the sign I needed that heading East was the right direction.

A good friend told me to surrender to the experience and so I shall.  Today I leave.  My flight's booked, my bags are packed, my passport and visa are in hand.  I welcome you on my adventure.



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